
Lorcan Delaney

Lorcan is a computer scientist, operator, banker and musician turned venture capitalist.

Passionate about both the sciences and the arts, he loves spending time with founders who are driven by a deep and unreasonable sense of purpose, and leverage logic, rationality, grit and personal intuition as tools to analyse systems and transform ideas into realities. He believes that such qualities often translate into founders who have a strong vision and can clearly articulate the why and the how. In his role as an investor, his objective is to serve such exceptional people on their journeys, striving to act as an extension of their teams and to become a trustworthy partner in their endeavors. Generalist in his scope, Lorcan spends time across multiple verticals with a particular focus on AI (application and infrastructure), vertical SaaS, enterprise software, dev tools and fintech"

Prior to joining firstminute, Lorcan was an Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley, where he worked on M&As, IPOs, private placements and refinancings for software, internet and semiconductor companies. Previously, he was an early employee and Operations Manager at Selina Advance, a Series B London-based digital lender, joining at inception and leaving post Series A. During his university days, he co-founded London Blockchain Labs, the UK's largest blockchain student community. Lorcan holds an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Oxford and a BEng in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from UCL, both with distinction.

Outside of work, you might find him browsing through the streets of Rome or Florence, playing his guitar very late at night, switching between reading poetry and ecommerce books, experimenting with unusual coding projects and going for a walk with his hedgehog and loyal companion Ben.

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