First Minute Logo

The Home of Magnetic Ambition.

firstminute is a seed fund backed by over 130 unicorn founders and a world-class community.

People talking


We're not just a fund. We're a community supporting the next generation of maverick entrepreneurs.

about us
Portfolio Wayve Logo Image
Portfolio Mistral AI Logo Image
Artificial IntelligenceEurope
Portfolio Klang Games Logo Image
Gaming & MediaEurope
Portfolio Storyblok Logo Image
Portfolio n8n Logo Image
Commercial Open-Source SoftwareEurope
Portfolio Taktile Logo Image
Portfolio Argent   Logo Image
Portfolio Nabla Logo Image
Portfolio A.Team Logo Image
Consumer & MarketplaceUS
Portfolio Stitch Logo Image
Portfolio Block Logo Image
Consumer & MarketplaceUS
Portfolio Clockwork Labs Logo Image
Gaming & MediaUS
Portfolio Ramp Logo Image

It's all about the founders.

We have backed 150 world-class teams who form part of our amazing community. We have helped them thrive. But who are they?

meet the startups
The firstminute community

We are collaboration catalysts

our team

Your partners from day one

Across the team we've founded multiple businesses. Our General Partner has founded and exited two unicorn startups. Our team members have backed 10 unicorns at seed. We're here to help supercharge your journey.

meet the team
Your partners from day one Images

firstminute Snapshot

firstminute is a seed-stage venture firm investing in the UK, Europe and the US. We try to be the first cheque into a company, aiming for a 10% ownership stake. Our mission is to be Europe's most helpful seed fund.

150+ Portfolio Companies

$400m AUM

130+ Unicorn Founder Backers

£1m - £3m Tickets


What our founders say about us

Dominik Angerer Image

Outstanding partners since day one - helping us restructure our cap table  in our seed; introducing us to our Series A investor and helping us achieve more in less time by understanding our business/market as well as we do.

Get them in as early as possible to get you off the ground.

Dominik AngererFounder & CEO, Storyblok

Lucrezia Bisignani Image

Whole-heartedly believed in me from day one. They don’t scare away from wild ambition. There isn’t an introduction that they can’t make and they’ll go out of their way to make it happen. They also have a response time of 5 minutes or less to any email or request.

Lucrezia BisignaniFounder & CEO, Kukua

Maik Wehmeyer Image

firstminute has the strongest network I have seen from any investor so far. 

This is hiring, customer intros (huge amount of our customers come from their intros) and, most important for a Seed Fund: great connections to the Tier 1 VCs for Series A.

Maik WehmeyerCo-Founder & CEO, Taktile

Soo Choi-Andrews Image

firstminute is a unique combination of thoughtful and action-oriented. They understand what it takes to find product market fit and help us push obstacles out of the way.

We’ve talked to so many VCs since our raise. If we had to do it again, we would  100% choose firstminute. Their culture of collaboration and getting things done is what every startup needs from their seed investor.

Soo Choi-AndrewsCo-Founder & CEO, Mondoo

Koda Wang Image

High energy. No Drama. Generous network. Gracious team. firstminute is an outstanding partner that has consistently had our back. 

They don’t hesitate to make big swings on your behalf, and provide thoughtful counsel when you need. They just want to help you crush it.

Koda WangCo-Founder & CEO, Block

David Snider  Image

Thank you for your incredible support and encouragement over the past year. You have assisted our development in countless ways and we are deeply appreciative. Thrilled to have you as a partner for the next phase of the business.

David Snider Founder & CEO, Harness Wealth

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